Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
The Sports Premium Grant is funding that comes into schools that is ring-fenced to be spent on the development of sports provision for all pupils.
Schools are free to spend the Sports Premium Grant as they see fit, but will be held accountable for its usage. From April 2014, the school is required to publicise information about its use of Sports Premium Grant.
At Scalford, we allocate the Sports Premium Grant based upon the development needs identified in the school’s self-evaluation. As we teach with a personalised approach, reporting in detail would compromise an individual’s privacy. It is important however that we share how the Sport’s Premium is going to be used for the children and the impact it will have on raising standards both in the delivery of sport and attainment across the school.
As a result of using the Sports grant we have a seen marked increase in enthusiasm and engagement with sports. We have seen improved engagement with out of school sports, local sporting events, collaboration with other local schools and after school clubs.
Impact has been measured by:
Sports Premium
Swimming Sports Premium 2023/24
Our Year 6 cohort attained the following on leaving our school:
88.9% (8 out of 9 children) can use a range of strokes effectively (for example front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke).
88.9% (8 out of 9 children) can perform a safe rescue in different water-based situations