The Friends of Scalford School is a committee comprising parents and teachers, whose main aim is to provide the children from the school with extra activities and treats that would not be available to them through school funds.
This is achieved by various fundraising methods, including refreshments at school events, cake raffles and large scale family events.
All money raised is used for the benefit of the children in school and in the community of which they are part.
Fundraising has enabled the children to take part in several workshops to complement their learning and extras such as planters in the playground, picnic mats and bibles. FOSS's greatest achievement to date has been replacing the old playground equipment at the village hall, which the children use on a daily basis, to provide brand new play equipment.
FOSS would not be able to achieve its aims without the hardworking, dedicated committee and the generosity of the parents and local community.
Meetings are held approximately every two months, where all are welcome to attend to discuss future fundraising activities and how best the monies raised are spent.