At Scalford School we believe partnership with parents and the community is vital to ensuring children are happy and making progress with their learning.
We run an active parents group – FOSS - which parents can join to support their children and the school.
We also seek to make connections and links with our community and our local area. We work alongside the village Church - St Egelwin's, throughout the year, and welcome visitors every week to lead our 'Open the Book' assemblies.
We are keen to work with other schools and have made links both locally and further- a-field. We visit Leicester regularly so that our pupils gain experiences of the wider world and gain opportunities to learn about other cultures and faiths.
Scalford welcomes parents and the community who wish to volunteer at the school. We are a school in the heart of our village and the community around us is very important. Volunteers are welcome to help out in school and we have many who help with activities such as cookery club, ‘open the book’ assembly, hearing readers and accompanying the pupils on educational visits.
The school uses the facilities in the local village, making use of the village hall and playing fields for lessons and activities. We have lovely country walks on our doorstep which we take advantage of throughout the seasons as part of our outdoor learning and as a great cross-country resource.
The school also links with the Parish and the church for special events such as Easter, Harvest and Christmas but also for activities throughout the year such as Messy Church.